I am a huge fan of storytelling. Kongtent is the record of my personal journey in college(starting from Fall) where I keep a record of my day to day career-related activities by having a timestamp on my Instagram stories in order to monitor my overall productivity and also to have a record of the successes and failures in my university life. Blog posts and Instagram posts will contain guides on different career paths and how those respective paths can be achieved. These posts will go to the grassroots of decision making including even and not limited to the decision of choosing subjects for high school education. While many have their careers sorted, I believe that there is a lack of career guidance for students in schools which leads to them not reaching their potential. Kongtent aims to provide a platform for young aspiring intellectuals to communicate on how they wish to traverse through life in years to come. This idea is inspired by the CEO of Surge Global, Mr. Bhanuka Harishchandra who constantly strives to work with purpose and inspire the other individuals who follow his story.

Catch me on Youtube

Read my stories on Kongtent's Blog